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June 21, 2011 / erione

my ‘first’ commit

Yayy!!After almost 10 days of coding insanely,finally added ui and implementation for footnotes in references tool in calligra words.So decided to push the code in my branch “words-references-notes-erione” on KDE git server.As this was my first commit and also my first  contribution to the kde community,feeling ecstatic and more excited at the moment.  But like the calligra build, it also proved to be the tougher task where I mistakenly deleted the branch on my system and lost all code. Thank god, I was having a copy of  “git diff” in some other directory, which saved my work and time.Finally recovered the code from that and again added to the commit, and success did touch me 🙂

My first commit goes here, .

Now trying to fix the two known bugs :

1) Saving the doc saves footnotes twice,one where it should be saved i.e. the foot notes frame itself and one in the normal text form in the document.

2) Foot notes ain’t displayed from 2nd page onwards in the document.

June 9, 2011 / erione

Started Coding :)

After getting in SoK 2011, the first step was to build and execute Calligra Words successfully,but ah,it was not an easy task. Also I didn’t know much how such applications are compiled.So went for a tutorial given on KDE community’s wiki page,did the same thing as given there. But still due to some system problems, built failed!! So was having no alternative but to hang around IRC. Finally, got the solution some how and built calligra successfully after two fizzling and frustrating days. Now it was time to explore the code,on seeing the code, it looked as if I need some more knowledge about Qt-C++.So I went for exploring Qt first and after that explored the Calligra Words’ source code.It seems coherent now,so finally started coding for SoK by tweaking some bits of code in few classes and observing the outcome.Also made the status report page on KDE wiki Will keep blogging about project updates 🙂

May 22, 2011 / erione

I ‘m in SoK

After four continuous days of sending requests in mailing lists, to mentors and contacting many persons,,,,,,lastly,,,I’m in!!!!

When I knew about Season of KDE 2011, it was very late yet I gave a try and finally got one mentor for my project in Calligra Words.

Me and Smit Patel will be working together under the mentorship of Pierre Ducroquet  for implementing a reference tool in Calligra Words.This tool will provide the ui for creating table of contents,citations/bibliography and endnotes. I am thankful to Lydia Pintscher who supported me for finding a mentor……..and ofcourse to Pierre Ducroquet who showed interest in mentoring me.

I am hoping to end up successfully in Season of KDE as this is my first project and my first step of contributing in open source community,,,,,,,A very happy start for me I should say…….